Send a link to your TV. First open this page on your TV. Then scan the QR code with your mobile phone and submit the link to your TV.
890 955 028
TV Code
Scan the QR code to send a link to THIS device.
In case you cannot use the QR code on the sending device, click the following button:
In case you cannot use the QR code on the sending device, click the following button:
Tips & Tricks
- Use this website to send a link to your TV.
- You can share links with any other device like mobile phone, tablet, laptop, ...
- Use this website to send a url to your TV.
- Send a link from your mobile phone to the TV.
- You can send any URL from your mobile phone to your TV.
- You can also use it so send links to another mobile phone.
- You can even send links from your TV to your mobile phone ;-)
- Send a link from your PC to your TV.
- Send an url from your laptop to your TV.

Step 1: Do Something